Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Journal 6: Self-Reflection

Through out this class I have learned so much that I never thought I would need to know or use. However, now that I have learned all this new information I am grateful and was proved wrong in so many ways. Before this class I never thought I would benefit from learning HTML or how to code or develop simple websites, and provided me with opportunities to use this knowledge in my future classroom with my students. Although I am not well versed or professional by any means, being able to develop a class website, and provide useful information and features on it to my students can greatly benefit rhem and the parents. The thing I found to be most difficult in this class was the labs and assignments in which we had to create several links. Why this was the most difficult and challenging to me was because of the several issues that can arise from moving and saving documents in different places, which therefore would break the link and would require several reattempts and lots of trouble shooting. However, once the issues were solve and I learned to stop moving and reorganizing my assignments it became alot easier. That is why,  on the opposite side of the spectrum the most rewarding assignment for me was being able to link and upload to the server my entire table of book exercises. Although this class has tested my patience on several occasions I have learned several new programs and essentially an entire new language in website development. This class has also made me appreciate all the work and dedication that it takes to create the websites I visit and use on a daily basis.

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