Monday, October 6, 2014

Chapters 1-3 Journal

Robbins, J. (2012). Learning web design: A beginner's guide to HTML, CSS, Javascript, and web graphics (4th ed.). Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly.

Summary:  The first three chapters of Learning Web Design discusses the some of the most fundamental background knowledge necessary to begin the learning process of web design as well at the several different job positions that go into designing a webpage.  In addition to discussing the several different aspects of web design, such as the equipment and programs necessary to create a website, the author also describes the different types of languages that are necessary to learn in order to first start web design.  The languages discussed in the first part of the book include HTML, CSS and JavaScript, in brief detail. These chapters also provide great insight and history into the interworkings of the internet, the web, and how they have all come to be what we know today and the constant advances being made in technology and how we access the web. 

Q1: How can someone with little or no experience in web design benefit in learning all aspects of web design?
A1: No matter how big or small of a project a person wishes to take on in web design it is useful to have at least a basic knowledge of the different aspects because it allows the person to have a wider range of services available to clients, if web design is being done as a profession. However, even if it is not a profession and is being done more as a personal web design the designer can be more aware of how their site is being run and how users are interacting with the site. 

Q2: How can I, as a future teacher, use a knowledge of web design in my classroom?
A2: By being able to understand and be able to create and design a website I can allow for a wider range of interaction and greater resources for my students.  I could also possibly integrate my knowledge into a lesson plan for my students and have the students create and manage simple sites of their own.  This would be beneficial because it offers a wider range of activity for the students and allows them to integrate their interests into our class and their style of learning. 

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