Site Developer: Ashley Salsgiver
Rationale or Focus: The purpose of this site is to provide information to new and incoming high school agriculture students as well as parents, other school staff and other members of the public who may be interested in the different aspects of the agriculture programs offered at high schools. Additionally, this site will be used as a tool in recruiting incoming freshman to the program.
Main Features Outline: The main features of this site include: a home page, site navigation to pages for each aspect of the program (Classroom, FFA, and Supervised Agricultural Experience Projects), and a calendar of all activities and events for the year. There will also be a link to the National FFA Organization website.
Content: The homepage will provide an introduction to the program as a whole, and welcome to all new students and future students. The classroom page will provide the different classes available at the school within the Ag program and a brief description of each class. The Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE) page will provide background information about what an SAE is, what types are available, and other potential project ideas. The FFA page will provide an overview of the different activities the program is involved in and past and present events.
Target Audience: The target audience of this site is to new and incoming high school students to the program, parents, and other school staff (i.e. counselors) who are involved in the enrollment of students into the agriculture program.
Design Considerations: I will design the site in a way that makes it easy to navigate, and also inviting and fun for students. Because this site is also meant to be used as a recruitment tool it should be very exciting and welcoming to the potential members. The site will also be designed in a way to gear it towards a wide audience.
Limiting Factors: My own inexperience in web design will be the first limiting factor in creating this website. The other limiting factor is the sizes and number of pictures I will be able to include in order to keep the downloading speed for being affected. The last limiting factor I foresee is making the site accessible to everyone.
Site Map: